
We believe making decisions based upon evidence rather than predictions will give our clients the best odds for success. The evidence begins with decades of data and analysis – including insights from some of the best minds in finance and academia (including 11 Nobel laureates). We have partnered with a team of respected professionals to build and manage our client’s portfolios in a globally diversified, patient, and disciplined manner.

Retirement Planning*
We pride ourselves in making your retirement transition seamless and stress-free. It comes down to understanding where you are today and developing a path to where you want to go. We start by evaluating your retirement potential including your social security claiming options, work place retirement plans, IRA’s and other investment accounts. We branch out from there based upon your unique financial circumstances and opportunities.

Withdrawal Strategy*
We will coordinate your withdrawals from all types of accounts with your pensions, social security, IRA’s and other income sources in the most tax smart way. Each potential income source you draw from in retirement has certain tax characteristics that we consider and optimize to your individual tax situation so you keep more of your money.
Many retirees face the challenge of knowing how much money they can take out of their portfolios each year and not run out of money early. We consider the latest research on how much you can safely withdraw from a diversified portfolio when advising our clients on their withdrawal rates.

Tax Preparation & Planning**
We coordinate the preparation our client’s individual income tax returns through our affiliated CPA firm and cover the entire cost for many of our clients1. Your returns are comprehensively reviewed every year to identify tax savings strategies and we keep you up to date on the latest tax law changes that affect you.

Estate Planning*
We review your current estate plan which includes whether you have a will, powers of attorney, trusts, and other related documents. Our advice typically includes ways for you to minimize or avoid future estate taxes and/or income taxes falling to your heirs by implementing appropriate estate planning strategies. We always recommend that you consult with a qualified attorney when you initiate, update, or complete estate planning activities. Estate planning is often a team approach and we are available to consult and/or participate in meetings with our clients and their attorneys.
If this is what you are looking for and you and meet the characteristics of Who We Serve we would love to speak with you. Schedule a Call below or head over to our Contact page!
*Investment & financial planning services provided by Sipherd Wealth Management, LLC
**Tax services provided by our affiliated CPA firm, Sipherd & Associates, PC
1 See our Financial Planning Agreement for full details.